Company Name: Lionbridge Technologies
Company Website:
About Lionbridge Technologies:
Established in 1996 and headquartered in Waltham, Mass., with a 4,600 workforce spread across 50+ locations across 26 countries worldwide with a revenue of $400 million (est.). Lionbridge (Nasdaq: LIOX) provides globalization and offshoring services that enable clients to develop, release, manage and maintain their enterprise content and technology applications globally.
Job Role: Trainee
Educational Qualification: BA/BCom/BSc/BEd/BCA
Salary: Best in Industry
Job Location: Mumbai
Required Experience: Freshers
Required Skills: Good Communication Skills
Job Type: Regular/Full Time
Interview Place: Mumbai
Walk-In Date: 11 April 2015
Walk-In Time: 10 am – 1 pm
Venue Address:
Lionbridge Technologies,
B Wing, 3rd floor,
Reliable Tech Park,
Airoli, Navi Mumbai.
B Wing, 3rd floor,
Reliable Tech Park,
Airoli, Navi Mumbai.